In consideration of my participation in any of Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC trainings, events, programs, products, coaching or mentoring, whether free or paid, including, but not limited to, First Million Masterclass, Mindset to Millions Event, First Million Accelerator Program, whether promoted by Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC or other promoters, marketers, affiliates or sales people, I hereby generally release Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC, James “JV” Crum III, personally and his estate, and any of their respective promoters, marketers, affiliates, sales people, as well as respective shareholders, agents, representatives, employees, intendent contractors, trainers, speakers, successors, assigns, insurers, as well as any others involved in promotion or delivery, as well as any affiliated companies for any and all liability whatsoever related to any of their negligence, negligent conduct or omissions, including, but not limited to, any activity and further, I, for myself and in addition my heirs, representatives, or assigns, specifically do hereby indemnify each of the aforesaid from any loss or liability, as well as consequential damages, whether direct or indirect, arising from any claim arising out of my participation in any of their trainings, events, programs, products, coaching or mentoring ,in general and in particular, as well as any decisions or actions I take related thereto. These releases shall not exclude any liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence or where such limitation or exclusion is not permitted by law. You understand and agree that no express or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose is extended to you, the participant.
The information presented at said trainings, events, programs, in products, or during any coaching or mentoring, as well as in the supplementary materials provided to me are intended for educational and informational purposes only. They have no other value, express or implied. By participating, you assume all responsibility and liability for any results you may obtain, or fail to obtain, by using education and information obtained through these. Use of same may result in you incurring risks that may not be suitable for your situation including financial losses or bankruptcy. No profit or safety of financial capital is guaranteed. No warranty, general or specific, may be created or extended by any sales representatives or marketing/sales materials. I acknowledge that Conscious Millionaire Institute, LLC, James “JV” Crum III, personally and his estate, their respective promoters or affiliates, do not make any representation or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of any education, information, trainings, events, programs, products, and in addition, any coaching or mentoring.